Ejector Vacuum Pump
ejector vacuum pump

ejector vacuum pump

Working principle of a jet pump and the pressure differences over the flow pathM mixing steam flow Construction and Operation can be understood in terms of three main distinctive processes: Due to the flexibility of the ejector construction, huge volumes under vacuum can easily be handled.Figure 2. Ejectors are compressing devices without moving parts.The enthalpy of the motive medium is converted in the motive nozzle into kinetic energy, which conveys the gas mixture and performs the compression work inside the throat.The velocity of the motive jet stream leaving the motive nozzle is several times the speed of sound. Fundamental Facts About Ejector Vacuum PumpsIn order to use ejector vacuum pumps successfully in process technology, their particular characteristics must be harmonized with the particular operating conditions and requirements. Testing, research and development together with continual improvement also contribute to enhanced operation.The range of vacuum required for the above applications begins with atmospheric pressure and usually ends at 10 -5 bara. Reactor Vacuum (Chemical Industry) Vacuum can allow the plant to reduce reaction temperature and save energy.Suction capacity: 3462 kg/h from 26.7 mbar abs.Modern vacuum plants require relatively little energy and can be designed and operated in an environmentally friendly way.

Multistage Ejector Vacuum PumpsSince a single ejector can handle efficiently a limited compression ratio, several jet pumps must be arranged one after the other if very low suction pressures are required. Transforming the velocity of the mixture into pressure in the neck and outlet cone. Mixing of the motive jet stream thus formed with the medium to be drawn off (air, gas and vapor),

The condensation pressure depends on the temperature of the cooling medium and characteristics of the motive medium.For example, in order to compress process gases from a pressure of 0.3 mbar to a condenser pressure of 56 mbar (i.e. 0.01 mbar.For the most effective use of energy, the motive medium and the condensable compounds shall condense between two stages. These sorts of jet vacuum pumps are built for suction pressures of approx.

They can be constructed with fixed or removable tube bundlesFigure 3. Surface condensers are usually preferred as intermediate condensers to avoid any contamination of the cooling water with the suction medium.With surface condensers, the condensation take place in the tubes or around the tubes. In order to prevent this, the ejectors in this pressure range shall be equipped with heating jackets with steam.The condensers can be either water-cooled mixing condensers or surface condensers, and in certain cases, air-cooled condensers are also used. This has a negative effect on the performance therefore. The maximum compression ratio for a steam jet vacuum pump depends on the suction pressure and the pressure of the available motive steam.With suction pressures below 6 mbar, the saturated steam temperature reaches 0☌ with the risk of ice building. For a suction pressure of 0.1 mbar, the pressure gradient is 56/0.1 ≅ 560, and therefore, 3 jet pumps must be arranged in series, each handling a compression ratio of 8.25 per stage.

Due to very high standardization, this new product can be offered to a very competitive price.Ejectors and block condenser made of graphite Ejector Vacuum Systems Operated by Product VaporEjector vacuum pumps are generally operated with steam. Ejector Vacuum Systems for Highly Corrosive ApplicationsProcesses in the chemical industry are often highly corrosive and need materials, which are strongly resistant. In the past, porcelain was the material of choice but it has a high risk of damage and cannot be worked accurately, which directly affects the consumption data of an ejector.In cooperation with SGL Carbon, a major producer of carbon-based products, GEA has developed a new ejector body made of DIABON® graphite.Graphite has a higher mechanical resistance and the internal dimensions can be worked accurately according to the performance requirements of the customer. The project engineer will design the ejector and thus the intermediate stage pressure in such a way that the liquid ring vacuum pump optimally meets the requirements with regard to the consumption of the entire hybrid system.Hybrid vacuum systems have a very efficient energy consumption. 0.01 mbar.Liquid ring vacuum pumps are standardized machines. Hybrid vacuum systems can be built for any required suction pressures of approx.

Little wear and tear and minimum maintenance. Short Summary of the Advantages of Ejector Vacuum Pumps E, in evaporators, dryers, distillation and rectification plants, in the processes of freeze drying, poly-condensation, deaeration, degassing and deodorizing. Product vapor operated vacuum unit in a polyesterEjector vacuum systems are used to create and maintain the vacuum in many applications in the in the chemical, petrochemical and food industries i. Product vapor operated jet vacuum pumps do not differ in their function from steam operated jet vacuum pumps and offer the same advantages.Figure 5.

Driven by water vapor or product vapor with over pressure or with vacuum steam. Suitable for vacuum of approx… 0.01 mbar (abs.). Can be used for suction flows of 10 m 3/h to 2,000,000 m 3/h. Can be supplied in all materials used in the equipment, Even Graphite, Hastelloy and Titanium.


ejector vacuum pump